40+ Combined Years A&D Industry Experience
40+ years of combined Global experience in developing and implementing software solutions for major Department of Defense programs required to comply with ANSI/EIA 748 EVMS
The leaders of Midnite Dynamics began their careers in the Aerospace and Defense Industry working at large contractors; eventually moving on to the small business that developed the State of Art software application: M*PM. They spent over 20+ combined years helping M*PM grow into the leading EVM Software application in the Industry.
Today: Midnite Dynamics is a very customer focused business; delivering reliable software solutions, training, implementation and technical support focusing on the Aerospace and Defense, NASA and Department of Energy requirements:
- CSDR: DD 2794 Plan analysis; report creation; report submittal suport
- IPMDAR: CDRL analysis; IPMDAR data validations; report submittal support
- DOE PARS JSON DIQ checks; report submittal support
- Custom Utilities/Reporting on demand